Sunday, 4 September 2011

Had A Lovely Day Today...

Sunday's are my favourite day...not a common opinion considering it's Monday the next day which normally means work for everyone...but they are.

Sunday's are my day for being extra Mumsy & housewifely.

After what is usually a hectic or long week, Sunday is the day I get to concentrate on my little family.
Cook, clean, bake, wash - my son as well as our clothing. I love Sunday's.
I go to bed feeling content & with a great sense of achievement, knowing that my 2 favourite men are fed, watered & comfortable.

Today was extra specially lovely as I got to look after my brand new nephew for a little while. He's just 2 weeks old, gorgeous nephew & he was so good. I fed him, burped him & changed his nappy, he didn't cry angel. There's something so peaceful & serene about new born babies.

When I got home I wanted to bake something, something that reminds me of home, families...I thought about these muffins straight away.

Apple Crumble Muffins. My Mum used to bake home made apple crumble, we loved it.

I know what you're thinking...'more muffins? One trick pony this one is'

I promise my next post will NOT be muffins or cupcakes...he he!!

I got the recipe from but left the custard out...I think I'll try it with custard next time.

I make muffins the most as they're easy, I'm definitely going to have to start trying more complicated recipes...

This is how easy it is - 4 parts, that's all:

I think this is one of the easiest recipes in my book...apart from One Bowl Choc Cupcakes.

Mix all wet ingredients:

1 egg.
190g chopped apple (I like to grate it, saves loads of time).
150ml milk.
90ml vegetable oil.

Sift dry ingredients:

250g plain flour.
1tbsp baking powder.
1/2tsp salt.
2tsps cinnamon (in the end I added about 2tbsps as I couldn't really smell much of it with only 2tsps, oh & I love cinnamon)...

...add 160g caster sugar...

...and a bit more cinnamon...

To make the crumble:

1 cup soft brown sugar.
1 1/2 cups plain flour.
50g butter.

I'm not a big fan of getting my hands messy when baking/cooking, I also made a mess with it which sent my OCD into overdrive!

I'm THAT person who cleans & tidies up as I go along whilst baking/cooking so 2 seconds after I took this picture I was wiping the sides down.

Spoon the batter into muffin cases & cover with 1 & a bit tablespoons of crumble.

Bake for 25 minutes, or until skewer inserted comes out clean.

And voila...

...they look & smell amazing fresh from the oven... amazing that hubby's had 3 over the course of the evening :0)