Tuesday, 20 August 2013

Fire Places and Flowers

If there's one thing I love about our home it's the fire places, there's plenty more but this wouldn't work if I mentioned anything else.


 They're so pretty.

I've become all artsy fartsy with my photographs...well I'm trying to be anyway. I'm taking more pride and time in them more recently.

It's lovely to wake up in the morning and see such bright, beautiful flowers greeting you.

My favourite has to be the sunflowers. They make me smile every time I look at them. So warm and welcoming.

Speaking of arsty fartsy photo's I love this one...well...I love what's in the picture.

I first tried Chocolate Guinness cake at a cafe in Manchester about a year ago - Sugar Junction.

It was amazing, and so is the cafe - http://www.sugarjunction.co.uk/ I love the vintage theme, the cups and saucers and the atmosphere, just lovely.

I saw a picture of their Chocolate Guinness cake on Facebook and thought 'I want to try making that...so I did.

I got the recipe from onehungrymama.com - on Pinterest.

1 cup of Guinness
150 grams unsalted butter
4 heaped tablespoons cocoa
2 cups of caster sugar
5 tablespoons sour cream/ greek yoghurt
2 large eggs
1 tablespoon vanilla extract
2 cups plain flour
2 1/2 teaspoons baking soda

Preheat the oven to GM4. Grease a 9" springform cake tin and line the bottom with parchment.

Combine the Guinness and butter in a saucepan over a medium-low heat. Remove from the heat and whisk in the cocoa and sugar until blended.

In a small bowl whisk together the sour cream, eggs and vanilla. Add the Guinness mixture and mix until well combined. Add the flour and baking soda, mix well until smooth.

Pour the batter into the prepared cake tin,and bake until risen and firm, about 45 minutes. Place on a wire rack and cool completely.

To make the frosting:
Whisk the icing sugar to break up any lumps.

Add the cream cheese and blend until smooth.

Add the double cream and continue mixing until smooth and spreadable.

Spread over the cooled cake and serve...it's amazing!

This has to be the moistest (is that even a word??) cake I have ever made. It was a very big hit with the family.

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